Leave a donation to Warrington Animal Rescue in Wills and Legacies
Love animals forever - remember Warrington Animal Welfare in your Will
Your legacy can help us to continue our work. Legacy donations allow us to plan for the future in a way that no other gift can. Donations left to Warrington Animal Welfare via your will are a great way to guarantee that your support continues when you are no longer here to help in person.
Warrington Animal Welfare is committed to reducing the amount of unwanted and abandoned animals in Warrington and all the surrounding areas.
Each year we take in cats, dogs, rabbits, and guinea pigs who have been abandoned, abused or neglected. But with the help of our supporters, we can give these animals a second chance.
The animal charity receives no Government support or Lottery funding, everything we do is funded by donations. Like most rescue homes we rely heavily on gifts left in Wills.
Unlike larger charities, you can be assured that every penny you leave will go directly to helping animals, not on massive charity wage bills or unnecessary spending on expensive advertising campaigns; the money goes straight to caring for animals in need.
Every legacy is valuable to us, whether it is £100 or £100,000, whatever you are able to give will be gratefully received and put to the best possible use – caring for unwanted pets and reducing the number of abandoned animals.
Every charitable bequest should be a source of great personal satisfaction to the donor. We sincerely hope that you will want to include Warrington Animal Welfare in your estate plan.
Considering how important it is to take care of one's loved ones and how vital gifts in Wills are to charities, it is astonishing that only three out of ten people in the UK make a will. Yet provided a solicitor is consulted, making a will is actually very straightforward and not as expensive as people think.
If you have not made a Will, your survivors - family and friends - will experience difficulties. Your estate will be divided by law and not by your wishes. If you have no family, everything you have will to the state.
Drafting a Will is not difficult. A visit to a solicitor will ensure that your beneficiaries will inherit according to your wishes. A solicitor's fee for drafting a Will is not expensive.
If you have already made a Will and would like to add a legacy to Warrington Animal Welfare your solicitor can easily draft an addendum, called a Codicil. Again this is a simple and inexpensive process.
Discuss it with us
If you decide to leave a legacy to Warrington Animal Welfare in your Will please let us know.
Your pledge is very helpful in enabling us to plan for the future if we know we can depend on your generous support.
We will welcome the opportunity to discuss with you how your legacy bequest can play a meaningful role in our future and perpetuate your life values. We would be happy to discuss all of the memorial bequest opportunities available to you.
Your act of kindness would literally help us to save lives and reduce the number of unwanted and abandoned pets that tragically are destroyed every day in this country.
If you would like to discuss this with us please call Warrington Animal Welfare Trustees Lorraine on 01925 748 637 or Janet on 01925 748 638.
As our phones can be very busy you could send us a personal message via our contact form here or emal info@warringtonanimalwelfare.org.uk. We can provide you with the information you may need and signpost you to the appropriate services.
Practical information about leaving the animal charity a lagacy donation
There are four main types of legacy you can leave
A residual legacy is the remainder of the estate once other gifts and payments have been made. This type of gift is popular with our supporters because it remains proportional to the value of your estate.
A pecuniary legacy is a fixed sum of money. The value of pecuniary legacies could decrease over time, as the cost of living increases.
A specific legacy is a specific named item, for example a piece of jewellery or property.
A residual legacy after a partner dies allows you to leave assets for the care of a loved one for the duration of their life. When they die, your legacy will then go to your chosen recipient.
Suggested wording for a legacy
"I give all (or a _% share of) the residue of my estate to Warrington Animal Welfare (Charity number 1057149), Slutchers Lane, Bank Quay, Warrington, WA1 1NA for its general charitable purposes and I direct that the receipt of a duly authorised officer shall be a valid and appropriate form of discharge."