If you are in receipt of benefits or are on low income, we can help you with the neuter of your pet. Please complete this form so we can arrange this for you.
Save Lives! Neuter your pets
If you live in Warrington or the surrounding areas, and are on benefits or low income, we can help you neuter your cat/kitten.
Regrettably, due to the overwhelming demand and the financial restrictions on the charity, we are unable to assist with routine neutering of dogs and rabbits for the foreseeable future. We will consider urgent cases on an individual basis and would ask that you contact the rescue.
We are able to offer very low cost neutering depending on your situation.
Neutering (spaying and castration) is a simple operation that prevents animals from reproducing by removing their sexual organs – this procedure is carried out by a qualified vet under general anaesthetic.
Neutering is the only humane way to reduce the amount of stray and unwanted pets that are cruelly abandoned or needlessly destroyed. Neutering can also have lots of behavioural and health benefits:
- Can encourage calmer more predictable behaviour
- Reduces aggressive and unwanted sexual behaviour e.g., fighting, mounting and being destructive
- Dogs/cats that have been neutered are less likely to mark their territory or stray
- Early neutering can reduce the risk of some cancers developing in later life
- Neutering stops bitches suffering from potentially fatal womb infections (known as Pyometras)
- Most vets will neuter dog or cats of either sex from the age of about four months - if you need specific advice for your specific pet (breed) then please consult your vet.
Common misconception – Female cats and dogs DO NOT need to have had their first season or a litter before being spayed!
Low cost neutering scheme at Warrington Animal Welfare
If you live in Warrington or the surrounding areas, and are on benefits or low income, we can help you neuter your cat/kitten.
- Do you live in the local area - Warrington, Runcorn, Widnes, St Helens?
- Do you receive benefits or are on a low income and struggling with the costs of neutering your pets?
If yes, then contact us today for help.
Follow the below steps for Neuter support from Warrington Animal Welfare
1.Complete the form here
2. We will then get in touch with you to discuss options and arrange a neutering appointment either at our on-site clinic or with one of our vets (in various locations).
3. You then take your pet to the vets on the appointment date and pay the reduced neutering amount direct to the vet.
We can HELP YOU and help to reduce the amount of unwanted pets who are dumped or left without homes each year.
Helpful neutering information:
Once your pet has been booked in for neutering:-
Cats & Dogs - day and morning before neutering food & water:
No food should be given after 8pm - once your pet has had his/her meal remove bowls.
No water after 7am on the morning of the procedure.
Your cat or dog should not have had ANY food/water before his/her operation.
Rabbits - food & water before neuter:
Please feed your rabbit up to and including the time waiting for surgery at the vet's.
Rabbits will also need access to water at ALL TIMES, including the time waiting for the surgery at the vets.
Your pet will need to arrive at your chosen vets before 9am - allow extra time on your journey for peak-time traffic. Discuss collection times directly with the vet.
You may need to show proof of benefits upon arrival so please don’t forget to take these documents with you.
After Neuter operation care:
Your pet will usually be ready for collection by 4pm the same day
You can give your pet a small amount of food but plenty of water but he/she must be kept calm for a couple of days
Keep an eye on the wound, make sure you contact a vet if there is any bleeding, swelling, discharge or redness in the area.
Make sure you pet does not lick the wound, this will introduce bacteria into the wound.
Keep your pet confined, cats should be kept in for a couple of days preferably until the stitches have been removed and dogs should be kept on short leads for a few days
After 10 days you will have to return to the vets to have your pets stitches removed.
Please follow all vet advice and if you have any concerns about your pet please contact the vet directly.